Monday, August 20, 2007

getting closer to the big move

The big move is getting closer!

We are excited about heading back out overseas in full-time ministry. Our visa applications are now in the hands of the Ecuadorian government and it is only a matter of time befoe we get an answer. Hopefully we will know by the end of August if they are going to be issued or if there are any problems.

Kelly and I went to Mississauga yesterday to meet with Dale Horst and Nikki Horne who are both missionaries to Guayaquil, Ecuador and Nikki's Dad; Jeremy Horne, who has led a number of short term teams there. It was a great chance to talk about "El Faro De Esperanza" (The Lighthouse of Hope) and how we might see it develop in the future.

We found out yesterday that the four cabins at the camp are actually bigger than we thought and large enough to accomodate approximately 160 campers. So it will be fairly large groups that we will see coming through during beach season. One of our priorities will be to expand the number of weeks that the camp is used. We also hope to see the camp used as a springboard for outreach into the community.

Verse for the day:
Deuteronomy 8:6 You shall keep the commandments of the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him