Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Still Waiting

Kelly and I are trying to be patient but it is not easy. We are still waiting for our visas and found out last night that apparently the ecuadorian lawyer needs an original copy of our original marriage certificate?!?!?!? We are not sure what that means but Lloyd Rogers was planning to go and visit the lawyer today to see exactly what they are after. So our plans to be gone by the first week of October are now definitely on hold!
We do have a nice pic of our new home though.
At least this is what it looked like while it was under construction!

Verse for the day:

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." (Matthew 6:33).


Anonymous said...

i'd still like to know whats with the huge blue bucket?!?! *L0L*

Tim Horne said...

The blue bucket is VERY useful in a place where all the water around is either salty or putrid. It is the original water tank. Runs by gravity into the house (great when the electricity is cut and the pump won't do much).