Thursday, October 4, 2007

the hinge of history is found on the door of a bethlehem stable

Currently I am an independent distributor for a company called Living Books. I distribute Christian books on racks in stores throughout Eastern Ontario. The interesting thing is that none of these racks are in traditional Christian bookstores but rather they are placed in grocery stores, drug stores and general stores. This means that we believe that we have the opportunity to reach people that normally would not go into a Christian bookstore. That is exciting!

Although we are confident that many of our books are purchased by a knowledgeable customer base who are looking for good, solid Christian teaching there is also an element of the unknown to it all. Who else is buying these books and what is happening in their lives as a result? Which brings me to this morning's devotional in the Daily Bread.

The writer believes that the course of history was changed when Christ was born in that stable in Bethlehem. He also suggests that the future course of our lives are changed when we choose to follow Jesus. Which brings me right back to these books that I am distributing. How are the futures of our individual readers being changed by these books? Hopefully there will be some surprises for us in heaven! That thought encourages me on the days when sales are not that good or when a receiver in a big chain store ridicules me as happened yesterday.

To read today's Daily Bread just click on the link below:

Verse for today:

There is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11

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