Thursday, April 24, 2008

Back in Canada

We are back in Canada! I had hoped to make one more post before we left Ecuador but so much needed to be done that it just never happened. Our last day in Ecuador was a long one as we left the camp at 7:30am on Sunday and drove into Guayaquil where we met up with Wilfrido who had arranged for a buyer for our car. He then took us to the church in Alborada where we said our final goodbyes, having said our farewells at the two churches in Bastion the week before. Our afternoon was spent with David and Kathy Edgecombe, who pastor the Alborada church and then we went out to “Master’s Pizza” with all the missionaries for a final supper. Having said our goodbyes to the missionaries we went back to David and Kathy’s apartment and waited with them until it was time to go the airport. David drove us over around 10:30pm and we waited some more until our flight out at 12:30am early on Monday.

The flight was uneventful but it was difficult to sleep so we were a little bleary-eyed on arrival at Houston at around 5:30 Monday morning. Our flight to Toronto wasn’t until 10:15 so we got a good look at Houston airport and rediscovered the fact that American coffee is not as good as Canadian! We made it back to Canadian soil around 2:15pm and were amazed to be through baggage and customs and outside in about 20 minutes total.

We are currently staying with Kelly’s parents until we can find a place to live and are planning to begin working with them in the family business very shortly. In the meantime we are helping our two daughters move first! Jessica is finished her first year at Redeemer and will be back with us for the summer while working at the store. Holly has just finished her third year at Queens and is moving into a new apartment in Kingston on May 1st. So it is going to be move, move, move for the next couple of weeks!

It was great to see both the girls again and meet Jessica’s new boyfriend who seems to be a great guy. Obviously we have mixed feelings about being back in Canada but we have a real peace about being here and are confident that this is where God wants us to be for now. and have no idea what the long-term future holds for us – but then who does! For the short term at least, things are beginning to fall into place and we will continue to trust that He will continue to make our steps clear to us.

I am going to continue to post to this blog for a time at least so, unless we have bored you, keep checking in! It is great to know that there are lots of you out there who have been praying for us and continue to pray for us.

Verse for today:

Psalm 48:1
Great is the LORD, and most worthy of praise, in the city of our God, his holy mountain.

Although things don’t always work out the way that we think that they are going to, God is still worthy of praise. God is great and in his greatness reaches out from His “holy mountain” and touches our lives in ways we may not understand at the time. In our short time in Ecuador we saw some great things being done as He worked through His people and we have no doubt that we will continue to see Him do great things here in Canada.

Prayer for today

“O Lord, I am in awe of your greatness and inspired by your holiness. May I sense today the beauty of your presence in your Holy mountain as I journey homewards under the protection of Christ my Savior.”


Anonymous said...

Keep praying for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Don't suppose you want to post your new phone number or address for those of us who are trying to catch up to you!! I'll keep trying though.
Love Lil